Our own Local Honey

Our own Local Honey

Honey is naturally produced by our bees using the floral nectar from surrounding plants, and it is stored in the honeycombs in their hives until it's ready for harvesting.  We generally do two harvests a year of the honey from the honeycombs in our bee hives, in late Spring and late Summer.

Each harvest is unique according to the specific nectar and combination thereof collected from various plants and trees flowering during that particular season.

The honey we have available for sale at the moment is "summer honey".

We use a lot code system on the label of every jar to tell us exactly which bee hives produced the honey, where they are located, and which harvest it is from.

We take the frames containing the beeswax honeycomb out of the hives, slice off the thin 'caps' of wax on the comb, and place the frames into a drum which spins driven by a small motor.  The spinning draws the honey out of the frames.  Then we take the honey from the drum and filter it through several fine sieves before jarring.  Our honey doesn't undergo any blending, processing treatments, or have any additions.  This is 100% pure local untreated honey.


Honey has many health benefits:

Recent medical Research shown pure honey is more effective in combatting sore throats and colds than mass produced lozenges and cold remedies.

Many people who suffer from hayfever find that taking local honey regularly helps relieve hayfever symptoms.   This is due to the local pollen content within the honey.